What is "Empathic Mediumship"?
The spirit world is all around us and can help us with decisions, answers from the other side, and so much more. I will help you reach your loved ones, ancestors, even pets to know and believe that there is life after death.
Medium work uses all the senses of the medium to interact with loved ones who have passed over to the other side. Often the medium will see images in their heads, hear voices speaking to them, or sometimes even smell certain smells. They will invite all spirits to step forward and give any messages, reassurances, or symbols to allow you to know that they are still around you and can see you from the other side.
I am fortunate that I have all the "Clairs" and can use each one to focus in on what is trying to be conveyed. I will often feel how they passed, smell their cologne/perfume, hear their voice in my head, and see images. It is truly amazing!
This is not fortune-telling. We will simple invite your loved one to step forward and give you any messages they feel you need to hear. It is not meant to tell you what decisions to make in your life but often loved ones will voice their opinions!

What You'll Experience in a Reading
I will attempt to call your loved ones forward to help you with any questions, concerns or just to let you know that they are fine on the other side. You can bring a list of questions or just let the session play out. It does help to bring an article of theirs or a photo.
I will start the session with calling forward your Spirit World and mine to help us and protect us. I'll then pull Tarot cards and normally within minutes, they will start to line up. Of course, there is no guarantee that your loved ones will reach out and as such, if there is no contact, the fee will be waived and we can try again at a later date.
Before You Book...
Legal Disclaimer: Be advised that medium readings are a spiritual service which cannot be used as a replacement for professional advice; legal, medical, financial psychological or otherwise. The querent (the client) assumes sole responsibility for any decisions which they may make after a reading.
All sessions are recorded but will never be shared without the express written consent of the client.
No information will ever be discussed or shared with any third party without written consent of the client.
Clients understand that I am not a licensed therapist and these sessions are for informational use only.
All clients must be over the age of 18.